Do you have a pleasant memory of a work buddy?
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Work buddies
A pleasant surprise for the start of my day. An old friend and former boss called this morning. She was in my neighborhood for a dental appointment and invited me to meet for breakfast. We spent over two hours reminesing old times, old acquaintences and new futures. I remembered how I enjoyed working for and with her for eight years. She was a very good school principal with a very sound sight for the children. We had a great working relationship where I felt valued and utilized for my talents. I remembered how I used to tease her for being so readable when she was angered about something. She told me she had shared with her current workers that I would calm her down with my attempt at humor stating "Your head is spinning and any minute you'll be spewing green pea soup." [this description is from a 1973 horror movie scene in The Exorcist] It usually worked. Ahh, the old days.

Do you have a pleasant memory of a work buddy?
Do you have a pleasant memory of a work buddy?