Babysitting a toddler chart |For what it's worth

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Babysitting a toddler chart

With the next room ready to transform I needed to make storage space in the garage available.  So a spot near the door was cleared and the boxes of "sell or give away" started filling up.  We also were successful in filling severl boxes for storage that will go with us in the move.  With the temperature rising over the 100 degree mark before noon, that project was replaced with another cooler, inside one.  Keeping with my goal of cleaning or clearing at least one shelf/closet/drawer or cabinet a day, I tackled the area under the kitchen sink.  With that done I sat down to do some fun planning.

During the month of July I get to baby sit the great grand while everyone else goes to work.  Ahhhh, this is what I retired for!  With my obsessive organization habits in full force, I put together a plan for the first week.  Pinterest and I got real close today.  There are so many talented people out there, I had a blast.  Here is what week 1 plan looks like for the 2 year old:
play time supply bucket

Pancake w/sausage, blueberries, milk
Cereal w/peach slices, milk
Sausage balls w/melon, milk
Egg/potato/bacon medley milk
Oatmeal/apple, milk
AM play
Take a walk
Paint blocks

Back yard play
Paint rocks
backyard play, sand box, water can
Water painting

Nature designs

Cheese stick, crackers, flavored water
Deviled egg, flavored water
Pretzels & yogurt, juice
 frozen yogurt, water with frozen juice ice
Orange slices, water
Quiet learning play
Finger paint in zip lock bag on window
2. make a book photos
Puzzles, color, draw w/pencil
string art
Build Bird nest supply hanger
High chair Food dough (peanut butter/flour)
Turkey/lettuce wraps, carrots, raisins, milk
Ham slider sandwich, green beans/dip, strawberries, milk
Pasta w/meat sauce, broccoli w/butter,  milk
Hot dog, cheese, baked sweet potato fries, milk
Zucchini pizza, milk

Creative play
String fruit loops
Stack/match color blocks
Count rocks
Glue on eyes
Make roads, drive cars
Sticker art
Orange rind Bird feeder
Fruit popsicle, cream cheese/jelly tortilla, water
Celery/peanut butter for gold fish fishing, juice
Peach smoothie, gold fish
Bean dip/tortilla roll, juice
Fruit popsicle, cheese quesadilla
Active play
 animal walk
 action songs
 glow in the dark sword play.

(the high lights are the items I need to shop for)
Here is a jpg. you can open and print or save to your computer.