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Total Knee Replacement Recovery Part II

Total knee replacement arthroplasty recovery has been harder than I expected.  132 days watching slow healing, doctor follow up visits, physical therapy and I finally feel like there will be life after major surgery. Adverse reactions to adhesive, zipline closure, undissolved interior stitches, and possibly pain management injection, plus the complexity of the injury made my recovery a long arduous experience.My first 11 weeks post surgery experiences are recorded in my previous post here.  Following the wound vac treatments I made weekly visits to Physical Therapy for wound care and some easy strengthening exercises plus biweekly visits to the surgeon...

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Blogger Tricks


Total Knee Replacement Journey

 Total knee replacement experienceFebruary 14, 2023 After years of knee pain, orthopaedical doctor visits, physical therapy, and steroid shots I finally came to the point of total knee replacement surgery. I am in recovery for that surgery as I write this and decided to document the process for you google searchers out there searching for all the information you can find before going forward with committing to surgery. I may include some product links for items I've purchased and deem helpful.  I am an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small compensation on qualified products.Pre surgery for total knee replacementIn October...

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Keep a Clean House With Easy Mobile Schedule

My least favorite chore is general housekeeping especially in my retirement years.  Now I could make a long list of least favorites but really I don't enjoy cleaning up after myself or all the people that come through my house at all.  However, a neat and tidy environment puts me at ease and keeps my outlook open and fresh and really is important during flu and Covid quarantine.  The real plus is making a good impression when unexpected visitors pop in. My house keeping system has evolved over the years to make the job simpler.  Back when I first started...

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blue tea pot with mouse watercolor painting Hot Tea Month and Keto Cheesecake I was taking out some tea for a virtual tea date when my mind began to wander. As I sorted through the shiny little packages of foil packed tea and checked on the keto cheesecake cooling I let the memories come.  This moment is just for me.  It's hot tea month and a wonderful excuse to reminisce. My Aunt Doris makes herself tea just about everyday.  She posts photos of her tea table on Facebook that remind me what a special moment we shared years ago when I took my oldest grand daughter on a tea...

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Have a Pie, 3/14, Pi Night

fruit pie, cream pie, shephards pie, pot pie  The Pie Party with Chicken Pot Pie RecipeI haven't been this excited about in years. The family was displaced last year with new jobs, training out of state and time share with in laws.  This year it has all lined up and everyone was together. One of my grand daughters surprised me Thanksgiving.  I went to bed that night a little exhausted from all the cooking, cleaning and eating.  When I woke up on Friday morning my grand daughter had pulled out Christmas and done an amazing amount of decorating.  She put her personal spin on everything giving the decorations from...

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2020  Lessons and VisionThe end of 2020 is almost here and it has me reflecting over this very unusual space of time in my life.  I learned my first facts about Covid19 on a return flight from Jamaica but all I really found out was there was a very contagious virus in China.  For the first time I saw people wearing masks on the plane and in stores. It was a few more weeks before the virus hit the US and we entered the Pandemic shutdown for the first time.  It took some time to wrap my head around what...

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Recovering with a Bypass Patient

heart beat graph  He started to rise from the dining room table after a nice meal with the kids and their families.  His balance was off and he almost fell as our son and grandson grabbed for his arms in alarm.  Our paramedic son asked how often that happened and when he said whenever he gets up too fast or from squatting in the garden he elicited a promise to talk to the doctor.  Two weeks later amid the covid19 pandemic we sat in our car outside a cardiologist office 90 miles from our home.I still sat in the car talking on my phone...

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