Elephant Dollar Origami |For what it's worth

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Elephant Dollar Origami

When I finished reading Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult I had to learn how to make an origami elephant from a dollar bill.  It shows up all through the book.  I also had to look up elephant sanctuaries which she gives a link to at the end of the book.  I have a new found respect for elephants and the people who take care of them.  I loved the book for so many reasons including the elephant connection but mostly because the end was a complete surprise to me.  I don't really believe in psychics but her novel makes me consider them with a different viewpoint than before. I usually pick up the hints early in a book on where the story is going but I did not see this one coming.

Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult meme, book review, origami craft

Again I found myself reading and re reading the descriptions so well done by Jodi Picoult.  I laughed out loud many times and felt pretty sad a few times too.  I give her a 5* rating because it's a book I may read more than once. 

Tweet this    If Elephants never forget, do they forgive?

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