I found this little table from a 1980’s project stashed in a corner covered with “stuff”. I almost set it by the curb but a second inspection led me to update it for my bedroom redo. That will be coming in a post soon. Meanwhile this is how I changed 1980 to 2013 in just over an hour.
First I took the table outside and removed the cobwebs, then sanded lightly all over. I used a kitchen towel to remove all the dust and shook a can of Krylon Ivory Satin paint until the beads inside sounded like they were moving freely. The first coat was light and ready for a second coat in 10 minutes. A second coat covered it just fine, so I let it sit for a almost an hour of curing. It is 99 degrees outside, so that went really well. Once I felt like it was pretty dry, I used a heavy grit sand paper to rough up the table top. That’s it! What do you think?