DIY Super Kid Cape |For what it's worth

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DIY Super Kid Cape

7/11 Letter.  For our little Super Hero

Great Grand doesn't care too much for clothes, but he absolutely loves his Spider Man boots!  So I found an old t-shirt and we cut it up for a NO SEW super hero cape to go with his boots.
  • First we laid a shirt out on the floor.
  • Cut an A shape starting at the hem and ending where the neck band meets the shoulder. DON'T cut through the neck band yet!
  • Cut over the shoulder and down the other side of the shirt all the way to the hem, 
  • create  2" wide ties by cutting back up to the neck.  Now you can cut through the neck hem leaving the 2" strip attached to the cape back. Do this on both sides of the neck.  It should resemble a cape.
  • Now, the part that will make Dad proud...a Duct tape Super Hero Letter.
  • K for Kaydon.
A little hint:  To keep the tie from choking your little person, first tie the ends together.  Holding the big loop to their back, slip the arms in at their side (leaving the bottom of the loop at their back-not in front of their neck.  Kind of like a sleeve.
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