For what it's worth: i take pics

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i take pics

Photo a Day Challenge from

9/1 Me, watching Rosie Robot clean the floors 
9/2 Father

9/3 Far Away
9/4 Inside my (ity bity desktop) mailbox
9/6 Every day - reading
7 nature walk
9/8 Night- moth taking refuge in a sunflower
 9/12 Together. Hubs, Daughter & me sharing her favorite cherry pie.
9/13 my Table set for fall
9/18 Price...on Tuesday, was higher when I bought these :(

 9/20 man made...or in this case woman made pumpkin.
9/22 Up at a balloon festival weekend
9/23 Before bedtime we watched a balloon glow show
9/24 Three things. Pumpkins from sock tops.

6/26 Where I shop.  These days I spend a lot at Home Depot remodeling and repairing our house!

6/23 On my mind.  The many lists and projects to get our house ready to sell.
This weekend, finishing the guest bath cabinetry refinishing plus a little furniture redo's.
By the way...We compost through the city pick up with the bags covering my work surface.

6/21 where I slept
6/15 Yellow.  I got to bring home the painting David gave me.  It looks GREAT in the newly decorated guest bedroom!
6/12 From a low angle.
I had lunch with 3 work buddies today for the last time.

6/10 The best bit of the weekend.
Being alive to experience the job of it.

6/9 My View.
The street where I live.

6/8  6:00
A cool summer day after some nice rain.

6/7 Drink.

6/6 Hat.
My Dad's Stetson has been hanging on the bedroom wall for the last 22 years.  He passed away December 3, 1989

6/4 Close up.  Little Grand showed me what happens when you hold a flower "close up" to your nose!
6/3 On your plate.
A chicken taco.  Here in Texas we like just about anything folded in a tortilla!

6/2 Empty
Since I started my bucket lists, I also started taking photo's of buckets.
This one is just waiting to be filled with something wonderful.

6/1 Morning
The first day of summer vacation for students & teachers here.
The first day of the last month until I get to retire!  Cheers, Mr. Sunshine.

5/30 My personality

5/29 Number
10 work days till retirement! Wha Ho!

5/29 Number
These are the numbers leading up to my retirement!
Wha HO!

5/28 Weather toay.
92 F, windy, clear with a few clouds dotting the sky. 
This photo taken at 7:15 PM shows a tiny half moon amongst the clouds.
Today is Memorial Day in US.  We remember our soldiers who sacrificed their lives in service.

5/27 Something sweet.
A sweet moment with father & son at the aquarium.

5/27 Something Sweet
Diabetic friendly Strawberry Pie

5/26 12:00 noon.
The shakers were a 1970 wedding gift from my Aunt Nelda. 
She's passed on now.

5/25 Something unusual
A gas station built completely with petrified wood.  Decatur, Texas.
The restaruant next door is also petrified.

5/4 Fun
Decorations for a faculty lunch today honoring Mexican heritage for Cinco De Mayo.

5/23 Technology.
My remote looks just like hubs.
5/22 Pink.  Baby grands first taste of pink cotton candy!

5/19 A favorite place.
Home, where I grew up.
5/18 Something I made
A patriotic whirley jig from a printable off Pinterest.

5/17 Snack
Pulled a few garden weeds, watered and snacked with Wile E.

5/16 Something I'm reading.
At this moment I'm reading a cup my daughter brought me and it's funny.

5/15 Love
A heart rock my daughter brought me.

5/14 Grass.
Mail box on a farm road near my Mom's.  No one lives in the house anymore.
But the mail box stood open, inviting me in.

5/13 Mom
This is not a new picture, but one of my favorites.
My hand on top, my mom's, my son's, my grand.
Taken on Mother's Day 2007

5/12 Something that makes me happy.
Besides my son who's birthday is today... bringing in flowers from my garden!
Coneflower, Thumbnail Native Roses, Rose of Sharon

5/11  Kitchen. 
My collection of vintage potato mashers.

5/10 Favorite word
My standard answer when someone asks "How are you?"

5/9 Everyday, I get organized first.

5/8 I adore the smell of strawberries!
Stopped by the market and smelled the fresh display of strawberries when I walked in the door.
Couldn't wait to taste them!

5/7 Someone who inspires me.
The names go on and on and on and .......

5/5 Bird
Unfortunately the light glared & my photo is weak.
This momma bird did not like my invading her space outside my living room window.

5/4 Fun
These colorful decorations at our luncheon were indeed FUN!
5/4 Fun
Decorations for a faculty lunch today honoring Mexican heritage for Cinco De Mayo.
5/3 Something I wore. 
My favorite attitude pin.  "I'm not listening".  I work at a school, enough said?

5/2 Skyline.
Driving to my mom's house.  There's not much to see in the Texas plains area except daylight and dark!  On this day, there weren't even any clouds.

5/1  Peace.
A lapel button out of my jewelry drawer that I had for a "Hippie" dress day at school.

Pinned Image

4/30 Something that makes me sad.

4/28 & 29
1:00 and Circles

4/26 Black & White.
Really, no explanation needed, right?
4/25 Looking down.
This sign is posted in the stairway where I work.

4/23 Vegetable.
The vegie crisper in my fridge.  Clearly marked so shopping buddy can easily see where I like them stored.
I love that lable "Scrumptious mini cucumbers!

4/22 The last thing I bought. Scored this bargain at Big Lots last night.

4/21 bottle.  My daughter brought this bottle with sand to me from her Florida beach vacation. The rock behind it is one I collected from our Family Farm.
4/20 Something I drew.
The 5yr old grand likes to make our own story books, so we draw!

4/19 Orange. 
The vignette behind my desk at work. The painting was given to me by an art teacher that saw my collection of vases and said she had a painting that looked like that.  She brought it to me a few days later.
4/18 Hair. It takes a lot of stuff!

4/16 Flower
A favorite, yellow daisy like the ones used in my wedding
42 years ago.

4/15 Sunset
End of a day at the Family Farm

4/14 How I feel today.
Expecting rain today.  Hoping it doesn't do more.

4/13 Something found.  1st moon of the season

4/12 Stairs
Taken on the campus where I work.
Great spot for educational statements.

4/11 Where I ate breakfast.  On the patio, whole wheat cheese toast & coffee. 

4/10 Cold.  Taken in January through my home office window. 
I think he was warming by the candle. 

4/9 Younger me.  Photo's from my mother's scrap book.

4/8 Inside my wallet.  I travel light and Yes I love color.

4/6 Shadow
photo shop play in the shadow

4/6 Lunch.  
Texas Frito Chili Pie.
4/5 Tiny
Tiny memories from the drawers of my grandmother's treadle sewing machine
4/4 Several someones that make me happy!

4/3 Mail. 
All junk.

4/2 colour

Appetizers I made for a backyard party.

4/1 my reflection
April fools! NO coffee!