We attended church last Sunday and I noticed a dramatically reduced attendance. The next several days I kept the four young grands while mom and dad worked. They started spring break a week ago. We enjoyed our time doing crafts like stencil t shirts, playing with slime, baking and decorating cookies, painting our nails and making some home videos. Our church started offering service via Facebook live Wednesday instead of meeting together since the order to not meet in groups over 50 which quickly has changed to 10. It was very informal and kind of hilarious as the preacher's kids walked behind him to get something out of the fridge! This may be the most entertaining worship I've ever experienced and helped to lighten my spirit.
The grands and their mom had planned a trip to OKC to visit cousins Thursday. That was canceled as it became obvious everything is shutting down. They've been at home since then and I've been buckling down on my spring cleaning that has turned into a little prepping too.
Thursday I washed everything in sight and then cleaned out the laundry room. The pantry and refrigerator were next on my hit list. I still had energy that needed expending so I moved my living room furniture around because it's the easiest way to get everything cleaned. A nice discovery for me since cutting the cord was that I could move the location of my TV! That just made my day.
I've counted and calculated several weeks of meals before I'll need to restock. The restocking is taking some thinking and planning as well. I'll buy for a month as usual unless there are still limits. I just have to wait and see how the shopping will take place.
- 30 proteins (fresh/frozen/canned)
- 4 breakfast meats
- 3 dozen eggs
- 3 bags of cheeses
- 4 boxes cream cheese
- 2 heavy whipping creams
- 2 sour creams
- 30 canned green veggies
- 30 frozen veggies
- 15 canned fruits
- 15 frozen fruits
- crackers
- Swerve sweetener
- almond flour
- coconut flour
- coffee
- vitamin supplements

Tell me how you are coping and making certain you are as prepared as you can be.