Keeping it Clean |For what it's worth

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Keeping it Clean

Organize house cleaning chores

I've worked out a new house cleaning schedule. I have used several different methods throughout my life, all of them worked pretty well as long as I keep at it! One of my favorite sources was from a book I read in the 80's called "Side Tracked Home Executives". I loaned the book out and never got it back but it is still my basis for keeping house. By previous admissions, I'm a habitual organizer and RE organizer. So I have re organized my cleaning schedule and here it is. There are some things I do daily without thought, those are not on the list. What IS listed on the day is a chore I do on that day plus there are once a month chores listed for that day below it. I left the 4th and if there is a 5th week for the month to do seasonal or annual chores. Weekends are free. Keep in mind, I may move things around, add an extra duty or delete some. I think when you are making your own rules, it just fine to adjust them.

Monday: Wash sheets, Vacuum vents/curtains/windows/carpets
  • 1st Monday Clean fridge inside & out
  • 2nd Monday Clean & straighten pantry
  • 3rd Monday Wash windows
  • 4th Monday: seasonal chore

Tuesday: Wash towels, Dust, sweep

  • 1st Tue: Clean bedroom closet
  • 2nd Tue: Clean baseboards, cobwebs, ceiling fans
  • 3rd Tue:  Wash & Vacuum car
  • 4th Tue: seasonal chore

Wednesday: Wash clothes, Clean guest bath
, make meal menu for next week
  • 1st Wed: Clean/straighten hall closets
  • 2nd Wed: Wash bath mats
  • 3rd Wed: Clean out purse
  • 4th Wed: seasonal chore

Thursday: Clean master bath, sweep, grocery shop

  • 1st Thur: Clean under bath sink
  • 2nd Thur: clean/wash combs & brushes 
  • 3rd Thur: Wash waste & laundry baskets
  • 4th Thur: seasonal chore

Friday: sweep/mop floors. sanitize kitchen counters & microwave & stove area

  • 1st Fri: wash cabinet doors, door frames, light switches
  • 2nd Fri: Clean oven  
  • 3rd Fri:: Clean under sink and junk drawer
  • 4th Fri: seasonal chore


Winter: discard worn towels & sheets. Holiday decor up, holiday decor down, clean out craft supplies, clean out laundry room, dust ceiling fixtures & vents

Spring: switch wardrobe, discard old/unwanted clothing, turn mattresses, vacuum furniture, change decor, dust ceiling fixtures & vents, change air conditioner filter

Summer: clean curtains including shower curtains, move furniture to clean underneath, clean out freezer, clean out laundry room, dust ceiling, walls, ceiling fixtures & vents

Fall: switch wardrobe, discard old/unwanted clothing, change decor, turn mattresses, vacuum furniture, dust ceiling fixtures & vents, change refrigerator water filter, change air conditioner filter


In case your wondering, here are some of the daily chores I do, pretty much in the order I do them.
  • make the bed, fluff the pillows
  • Spray the shower with bleach solution, wipe down the sink, toilet and floor.  
  • Put away any toiletries used or left out.
  • Get dressed & put away any clothing left out.
  • After coffee and any meals; wipe down the sink, counter, stove top, microwave & fridge.
  • Dishes in dishwasher and when it's full enough, turn it on.
  • Water plants.
  • Quickly dust all surfaces.
  • Sweep the hard floors or use the robot sweeper/damp mop.
  • Vacuum carpets in high traffic areas.