Balsamic Strawberry Jam |For what it's worth

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Balsamic Strawberry Jam

A couple cups of strawberries from the grocery store produce isle and I visited in the kitchen today.  They landed in a pot with some Balsamic, sugar and lemon peel.  Half an hour simmering on the stove and a big spoon full on toast…I’m in strawberry heaven!  I started out thinking I’d make this for a brunch for friends but I may eat the entire half pint jar before then!  I know a couple of you are reading this right now, thinking…call me!   Girls, come on over and I’ll show you how to make this super easy recipe with some fresh strawberries, then we’ll eat another jar while we peruse over more strawberry recipes at the bottom of this post. 

Mouth watering Balsamic Strawberry jam

You will be amazed how how simple it is to make Balsamic Strawberry preserves.  While they were cooking I could only imagine how sweet and delicious they'd be. I tasted it on toast right away, but if I had some vanilla ice cream it'd be on top of that too or imagine a spoonful on some cheesecake. Oh yes!

All you need to make this super easy and quick delicacy  is a couple cups of strawberries, which is about one of those containers full in the grocery produce section, then a small measure of sugar, a little Balsamic, salt and lemon peel. Really.  The kids are going to love it and so will hubs.  I already do.

How to make balsamic strawberry photo collage

Hurry on over before it's gone. When you get here, we’ll try it on a crisp skillet toasted Crostini.

skillet toasted crostini bread

If you like cooking with fresh fruit, you'll like these recipes too:

Balsamic Strawberries

by Jeannie
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Keywords: appetizer breakfast dessert snack Strawberries Balsamic
  • 2 Cups Strawberries
  • 2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Balsamic
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • the peel from 1/2 a lemon
Wash, core and slice 2 cups of strawberries.
Put them in a sauce pan with the rest of the ingredients.
Bring it to a boil then lower to a simmer for 30 minutes.
Remove the lemon peel.
Cool and pour into a 1/2 pint jar.
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Because I'm participating in an Ultimate Strawberry Recipe Challenge I'd like to invite you to attend the party where more than 35 challengers have submitted some awesome strawberry recipes.
We continued the collection on a Ultimate Strawberry Pinterest Board too!