When to make a plumbing commitment |For what it's worth

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When to make a plumbing commitment

So, I found someone to install new faucets in the kitchen and bath. He noted that the plumbing under the bath sink is pretty deteriorated and to be prepared for a possible escalating of repair needed [and costs]. He said it was kind of like teens in love. Once things get started it's easy to get carried away. Consider if you want to commit to it. Hm. Then this morning it was clear we need to commit.

I left a towel on the floor in front of the sink last night.  I don’t usually do that.  My habits usually include picking up anything out of place and putting it where it belongs each night.  This particular night though, I skipped the font bath.  I’d been in there earlier with a plumbing expert to get an estimate on changing out faucets.  I forgot he used it to kneel on the floor and it may have be a divine intervention.
I love the new faucets I picked out for this old 1956 fixer upper and am anxious to get them put in.  Hubs has his hands full building a pole barn outside and gave the go ahead to hire some extra help.  My plumbing guy looked at the kitchen and gave thumbs up and a very reasonable estimate for installing it for us.  He also took at look at the ugly florescent light fixture and told me how to take it down before we moved to the front bathroom.
I finished painting and decorating that bathroom several weeks ago and though I didn’t love the faucet I was willing to live with it until another pay day or two.  I hadn’t quite made it “or two” when I noticed water collecting on the countertop in that bath.  I reached under the sink to turn off the water and found that it wouldn’t shut off.  The handle turned easily enough but the water did not turn off.  Since it appeared some work was going to be needed I made a decision to go forward with updating the faucet.  After buying a new faucet the water mysteriously stopped leaking so I put it off but moved the project up on our list.
When you buy a fixer upper you know to expect a lot of repairs and replacements.  With that noted I’ll tell you how I got to the point of calling a plumber.  Again.  A few days ago the dishwasher suddenly stopped draining.  I baled water and soap out of the bottom and checked the float which appeared to be useless.  I could see about replacing that and whatever else is wrong or I could see about replacing the ancient machine for something much more efficient and modern.  From the viewpoint of the kitchen momma, new sounded good to me.  So, off I went to research dishwashers.
At my favorite hardware store I found what I wanted.  The salesclerk warned me to check the plumbing connection and make sure it isn’t copper.  I should have asked why, but didn’t.  I had already looked and couldn't see the connection as it must be behind or under the dishwasher. Anyway, while I was at this favorite hardware store I decided to buy the kitchen faucet I’d been coveting.  Next I called the plumber to come check it out for me.

Back to the towel I didn’t pick up last night, it was soaking wet.  On the floor.  Not the countertop.  It seems all the checking around under there loosened up something around the turn off valve again.  So, you see… the teenage love affair begins.  The plumber will be here in the morning and this could be a long story or a short one.  I’ll let you know how true that “Easy” statement is on the packaging .


I’ll bet you have a good story and maybe some good advice to help me along?