
It's not too late to prepare for a Texas New Year.

  • Our new year parties in Texas usually:
  • includes Black Eyed Peas.  Even my northern bred SIL will eat these, click here for Texas Caviar recipe.
  • A cold New Year usually inludes a soup or chili. Check here for a great chili recipe, try serving it over Fritos in individual bags.  Your guests will ask for the recipe and I don't mind if you take all the credit!
  • Make your own chips from purchased tortilla's.  Try cutting out shapes using a star cookie cutter.  You can see how I made gingerbread man tortilla chips for Christmas here.
  • Finger food is a must, make my sister's Tortilla Roll Ups 
  • and if you have a couple of sweet potatoes left over, try my brother's Sweet Potato Cakes.
  • Want a little sweet pick up?  Make my big girl grand's Rolo Cookies in just a few minutes!
  • Those purchased flour tortillas are a budget friendly treat to make Peach or Apricot Jam Burritos.
  • If bubbly is something you like to toast in the new year, try a "Designated Driver" punch.
    • 1 or 2 bottles of carbonated beverage such as Sprite or Sparkling Grape Juice
    • 1 carton ice cream or sherbert, softened slightly
  • or a Shirley Temple Sangria
    • Stir till sugar is disolved
      • 2 bottles red grape juice (try sparkling grape juice)
      • 1 Cup orange juice
      • 1/4 Cup fine sugar
    • Add fruit 
      • 2 sliced oranges
      • 2 sliced lemons
      • 2 cored/chopped apples
    • add 2 Cups club soda to give it a festive carbonated bubble

Happy New Year - drink responsibly, 
and if you do drink...please don't drive.