
The Storyteller—book review

I think I have found my favorite author.   I saw a book on the new arrivals in the library by Jodi Picoult.  I picked it up and read the cover to see she had a New York Times bestseller titled The Storyteller.  I plan to check out the new arrival later but first I wanted to read something written earlier that had already been approved by thousands of readers.  It was a good decision.
 The Storyteller

In the first pages I was hooked like a fish drawn to a sparkling lure.  Page after page held quotable lines that drew me into her story.   It did take me a dozen pages to figure out the bouncing back and forth between time lines and characters.  I actually re read the first pages to orientate myself about 50 pages in.  Once I saw the changes in font it was easier to keep it straight. 
The story is so believable I had to keep reminding myself it is fiction.  Her writing style builds the characters who all very flawed to a point I felt emotionally connected.  I made a list of quotable lines so as not to forget them and laughed at the snarky humor of the main character, Sage.  I felt the anger and disgust she felt as she heard Joseph confess his story to her.  I came to realize the parallels of her baking and her grandmothers journal to the real tragedies of the Holocaust; what people will do to protect their families and to keep the past from dictating the future. I thought I knew where the story would end but was surprised with the twists.  The Storyteller is a book I know I will read again and again.

  • fiction
  • ISBN 978-1-4391-0276-3
  • 5 star rating
  • PG for subject matter, graphic descriptions of killing Jews
  • I recommend this book for mature teens and adults

This week on Bound by Books Link Up I fell in love with the idea of a Book Club Party for kids at Overstuffed.  It is complete from an age appropriate book to snacks and a craft.  After I showed it to my 8 year old grand we started planning a book party of our own.