
luncheon Crab stuffed Cucumbers and Chicken Zucchini Sandwich Wraps

If you’d like to have a stress free luncheon for friends you may want to take a look at the menu and recipes used at this small gathering of friends. I started with a homemade crab stuffed cucumber appetizer then set up a buffet with my favorite Berry Walnut Romaine Salad, a deli purchased pasta salad, low calorie Chicken Tender Wraps, some chips and iced tea.  It all went together in a couple of hours then I got to sit around listening to stories, laughing, and telling a few memories of my own.
crab filled cucumber

  • Appetizer:  Cucumber stuffed with crab-recipe below
  • Salad: Berry Walnut Romaine with Berry Balsamic dressing
  • Salad:  Deli pasta salad (or make your own)
  • Wraps: Chicken tenders, zucchini, Romaine wrapped in spinach tortillas –recipe below
  • Dessert:  Cheesecake (purchased ready made)
  • Drink:  Tea and coffee
  • Extras:  Chips, crackers, salt, pepper
chicken zucchini Romaine wrapOn the eve before the party I put some cold brew tea bags in the water filled drink dispenser and arranged some brightly colored flowers in a low glass container.  I spread a black table cloth on the dining table, placed the flowers and some bright green with white polka dot napkins and flatware in a pleasing arrangement.  The bright colors made me and my guests smile.  It just seemed to set the tone for a fun visit.  The plates were picked up at the beginning of the buffet and drinks at the end.
luncheon table flowers
The flowers are a casual arrangement made from a mix purchased in the grocery store floral section.  I loved the bright colors.  Start by taping a grid across the opening of the water filled container with scotch tape.  The tape should be crosshatched leaving small squares open between the rows of tape.  Start arranging the flowers by choosing and cutting a center flower the desired height.  Add the other flowers of the same type and color for an even distribution in the holes made by the tape.  For my arrangement that was two varieties of pink carnations.  Now add the next color flowers (I had two large orange mums and several orange Gerber daisies) working around to get a good distribution in the arrangement.  Last, work in the filler flowers (I love the chartreuse green pom mums and purple status provided) last add a few pieces of greenery.  The flowers don’t have to be even but they should have a form and shape complimentary to the container.  Don’t over think it and don’t be afraid to cut the flowers stems apart.  It’s sometimes easier to arrange single flowers than a clump.

Preparation on the morning of the luncheon: 2 hours

chicken zucchini wrap
  • Bake chicken tenders
  • Prepare cucumbers (keep in a bowl of cold water till ready to stuff)
  • make crab stuffing (keep in fridge till ready to stuff)
  • set buffet with table cloths, plates, extras
  • toss together salad, berries, walnuts, dressing
  • build chicken tender wraps
  • complete crab stuffed cucumber appetizers (serve within 2 hrs.)
  • put deli pasta salad in pretty bowl, cheesecake on cake stand
  • set food on buffet
  • ice in glasses
  • turn on the coffee
  • greet guests, serve appetizers
  • start buffet

Chicken Zucchini Romaine in Spinach Wrap

by Jeannie
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: chicken according to package
Keywords: chicken tortilla zucchini Romaine
Ingredients (12 wraps)
  • 12 fully cooked chicken tenders
  • 12 Romaine leaves washed and dried
  • 2 Zucchini, cut in julienne strips
  • 2 Tomatoes cut into 12 slices
  • 6 Green onions, tops only
  • Sweet onion dressing (bottled)
  • 12 Spinach or vegetable tortillas
If you are using frozen chicken tenders, prepare using package instructions. Separate the Romaine head into individual leaves. Wash, dry and trim off the heavy core end.
Slice each cooked chicken tender lengthwise just before placing in wrap.
Cut zucchini into julienne strips.
Slice tomato into rounds, then each round in half. (Like 1/2 moons)
Lay a single tortilla flat.
Layer on 1 Romaine leaf, 1 sliced chicken tender, 2-3 zucchini julienne s, tomato, green onion tops and drizzle with a sweet onion dressing. Salt and pepper.
Fold bottom edge of tortilla up over the bottom of sandwich ingredients.
Tuck one side of tortilla over sandwich ingredients and snugly roll into a wrap.
Secure with a toothpick.
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Crab stuffed Cucumber Appetizers

by Jeannie
Prep Time: 20 min
Cook Time: no cooking
Ingredients (serves 24)
  • 3 cucumbers
  • 1/4 Cup sour cream
  • 1/4 Cup soft cream cheese
  • 3/4 Cup canned crab meat (squish out water)
  • 1 teaspoon hot sauce
  • 1 teaspoon brown mustard
  • 1 Tablespoon minced green onion
  • sprinkling of ground chili powder or paprika
  • Garnish with green onion pieces
Prepare cucumbers
Wash cucumbers then use a zesting tool to score stripes down the length of the cucumbers.
Slice cucumbers crosswise in 1 inch sections.
Use a small melon scoop or a small spoon to scoop out the seedy centers of each cucumber section. Be careful to leave the bottom intact so the stuffing will not fall through.
Crab stuffing
Drain and squeeze out excess water from crab pieces. Set aside.
Stir together the sour cream, cream cheese, hot sauce, brown mustard, green onion and a sprinkling of chili powder.
Fold in the crab meat.
Store in fridge until ready to use.
Fill the cucumber cavities with spoonfuls of crab dip.
Garnish with a sprinkling of chili powder or paprika and little green onion pieces. 
Cucumbers contain a lot of water, so serve within two hours. 
Crab mixture can be used as a dip with round slices of cucumber, zucchini or chips.
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