
Tortellini with Dipping Sauce - Ultimate Pasta Recipe Challenge

Almost everyone loves pasta and I bet if you’re reading this post you’re no exception.  I don’t make my own pasta and only make home made sauce if there’s not a jar of ready made in the pantry when I want spur of the moment pasta but don’t want to drive to the store.  I know, I know - fresh ingredients are really really good but I don't always have fresh ingredients.  I do however usually have items that keep in the pantry or freezer for a longer period than fresh.  I did make the sauce recipe for this challenge but admittedly after you read and maybe try my pantry recipe for a sauce I’m going to tell you I often put together a Tortellini and Pasta Dip that is absolutely no trouble at all with a purchased sauce.  On a lazy Saturday afternoon when the grands are over, that’s the way I like it. And so do they.

Start with an easy basic home style sauce that you can make from pantry and freezer ingredients then  add chicken pepperoni, cooked Italian sausage and maybe a few other tasty ingredients like ripe olives or mushrooms.  When it is simmering, cook some tortellini according to the directions.  I keep dreaming that someday I’ll try my hand at making tortellini from scratch, but right now I’m depending on a quality brand from the store.  

Serve a bowl of sauce on the side with a plate of tortellini, grate some fresh Parmesan on top and dip the tortellini in the sauce.  The grands especially enjoy this serving style.  You know what else is good in this sauce? Cubes of provolone cheese. Yum. You might as well serve some warm bakery bread to sop up the extra sauce or thaw and bake one of those frozen loaves like I keep in the freezer.  Round out the meal with a wedge salad.  For the wedge I cut thick slices of iceberg lettuce, rinse under the faucet and keep it crispy fresh in a bowl of ice water until serving time.  Hungry yet?  Let’s get to it.
Tortellini Dipping Sauce

by Jeannie
Keywords: sauce
Ingredients (1 1/2 quarts)
    pantry ingredients home made sauce when you don't have a good purchased bottle
    • 1 1/2 Cups frozen diced onion with bell peppers
    • 1 teaspoon dried celery or 2 celery stalks, diced
    • 1 Tablespoon minced garlic
    • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
    • 2 Cans (4 Cups) diced tomatoes, undrained
    • 1 six ounce can tomato paste
    • 1 Tablespoon dried parsley
    • 1 Tablespoon dried basil
    • 1 Tablespoon dried oregano
    • 1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
    • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
    • Salt and Pepper to tast
    • 1 Cup cooked and crumbled Italian sausage
    • 1 Cup chopped chicken pepperoni
    In a heavy pot cook the onion and bell pepper in a couple Tablespoons of Olive Oil til tender.
    Stir in the remaining ingredients.
    If it seems a little thick ad about 1/4-1/2 cup hot water.
    Add chopped chicken pepperoni and/or cooked, crumbled Italian sausage.
    Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer while you cook your pasta according to package directions. (about 10 minutes)
    Sprinkle grated Parmessan on the sauce when serving.
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    Kitchen hackMake an Italian spice blend in your pantry for even quicker seasoning. 

    If you like that, check out this short cut skillet lasagna.  Oh, and take a look at the fantastic pasta dishes from other bloggers participating in this challenge then tell me about your best dish.