
A Nature Scavenge, Fairy House and Overcoming Arthritis Pain

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.     #WhatInconvenience #CollectiveBias
Most days I wake up a little stiff and find it difficult to keep a steady pace.  Because degenerative arthritis runs in my family I talked with my Doctor about the pain in my knees and hips.  X-rays revealed I have arthritis but he suggested I control the pain with Advil for now.  It is a relief to find a product that works so well for me.  Because my hands have also developed arthritis that make opening bottles and jars difficult I buy Advil EZ open lids.  I won’t let arthritis slow me down or keep me from enjoying activities with the grands.  As a matter of fact the grandkids helped me create a summer list of activities we can do together.  At the top of their wish list is park visits and hikes which is my favorite too!  I am happy to share our nature scavenge hunt that ends with how to build a fairy house.

There’s a wonderful state park not far from where we live and we had been anxious to explore a new trail that has been established by an Eagle Scout friend of ours.  We prepared for our hike by applying sun block and mosquito repellant, packing water, snacks, safety kit, and of course I took Advil for my arthritis.  The activity list  created by the grands included building a fairy dwelling so I created a surprise scavenger hunt which worked really well with a park hike and ended with building that fairy hut. 

The scavenge list is designed to 
encourage them to see, hear and feel the wonders of nature. 

Nature Scavenge Hunt

Nature Scavenge Hunt
Click to get a free Scavenger Hunt Printable

The children really enjoyed having a fun list of tasks on our hike.  They quickly spotted wild flowers under the “blue” sky.  It became a singing contest as we hiked along making rhymes.  I loved when boy grand saw his shoe print and looked for other tracks.  We found bird prints, deer tracks and discovered a horse has walked the same trail.

Advil picnic fairy hut

We gathered sticks and took a photo or two of round things (rocks).  We’d protected ourselves with insect repellant but did spot some ants  crawling along and some bees pollinating wild flowers.  No stings!

trail fairy hut supplies

We took a  snack break at the end of the trail and while we rested used the sticks, stones, and leaves to build a fairy house.  We put it in a spot along the trail for other children to discover and perhaps wonder if there is magic in this park! It is a dwelling any fairy would be proud to move into. 
 Picnic woodland fairy hut

How to build a natural fairy house

First we laid a basic square with sticks, then added layers of sticks till it was tall enough for a fairy to stand in.  When it was tall enough we made a roof with some tree bark we found.  The children used rocks to build a path and picnic center where they built a picnic table and benches from rock bases and bark tops.  They added a little acorn bowl and placed a fairy I brought along at the door of the hut.  Some flags made with sticks and leaves adorn the edges of the path.

fairy hut base fairy hut 1

fairy hut 2
wood fairy hut
 fairy hut 6

Thankfully we didn’t find any litter along the beautiful trail in Texas Copper Breaks State Park.  We carried our own trash out with us so the only thing we left behind was nature itself.  Even the fairy hut will eventually return to it’s natural state.

How I Stop Arthritis Pain

Though I was compensated to tell you about my experience with Advil, I can happily say the best part is that I am able to be active and focus on saying yes to enjoying a perfect day with the grandchildren - pain free.  I buy my  Advil EZ open cap medication in the Walmart pharmacy.  EZ open cap is perfect for people like me struggling with Arthritis. Here are a couple of photos to help you find it easily when you shop at Walmart too.  Click here to receive a free Better Living Tool Kit.

Advil EZ open cap in Walmart