
September Bound by Books

Even though the temps are still in the 90's we are entering FALL!  I spotted a migrating Monarch yesterday and dozens of dragonflys.  Does anyone know, do they migrate too?  With all the things we have to do and festivals to attend it has taken me two weeks to finish my latest read.  I'm reading another Jodi Picoult book, Between the Lines.

painting of eyes that seem to follow you
Ever feel like the eyes in a painting were following you?
Maybe they are.

 Though this character is caught in a book and trying to escape with the help of an avid fan of the book he's caught in I couldn't help but compare it to the TV series Once Upon a Time plot.  As a fan of the TV series Once Upon a Time this Picoult book was a delight for me to read.  Jodi Picoult co wrote the book with her daughter who came up with the book concept.  They did a great job.  The occasional illustrations made me feel like I was involved in the main characters plot to free the Prince trapped in the fairy tale book.   Picoult once again was able to keep me reading every word because I could not figure out how it would end.

Fictional fairy tale
The story is appropriate for pre teens to adult.  I give it a G rating.
5 stars (out of 5) 

While you're here, my co-hosts and I would love you to link any post you have realted to books in any way.  Book crafts, decor with books in it, reviews, book give aways... book mark it, it's open all month.

September Bound by Books

Book party link up

Open September 3-30