
Master Bedroom Reveal

I’m a type A planner and decorator which means I have a plan and work steadily toward it.  Over time I perused magazines, Pinterest, and watched hours of HGTV.  When I realized we were moving and I would get an opportunity to redecorate I started paying special attention to which rooms drew my attention the most.   I made a secret Pinterest board and began collecting decorated rooms that I would love to live in.  What I found is that I am drawn most to light colors and clean looks.   I loved the bright white trim with contrasting walls and I loved big windows with minimum coverage. 
bedroom with morning light coming in c

When we moved into the 1956 fixer upper I fell in love with the huge windows that let light flood into the rooms.  The master bedroom east windows allow us to watch the sunrise in all its glory every morning and the south facing windows keep it bright all day long.  I love that. 

While we worked on renovating the house to an acceptable living condition I dreamed and scouted out items I thought would make our master bedroom perfect.  I brought home dozens of paint color chips to see how they looked in our bedroom light.  I even bought and painted the room a color that looked great on paper but not on the wall.  My daughter in law is a graphic designer with a great eye for color so I asked for her help in finding the right color for my room and she did.  It is a perfect shade of pale grey just like I imagined.  The trim is bright white.  Several coats later I was very happy so we moved on to refinishing the floors.

To our delight we found oak floors under the old carpet.  It was a no brainer decision to restore them.  You can see how hubs completed that project here.  The floors are beautiful and saved us a lot of cash.  When the floors were done hubs installed a new ceiling fan to keep the energy costs down while we deal with the extreme Texas heat.  Next we moved in the furniture.  I tried the largest piece, the bed, in several locations but when hubs moved it between the south windows I knew it was the right arrangement to show off the spacious room. 
It was a simple matter to place the dressers and accent tables once the bed was situated and then I could work on the decorating.  I started with white sheers with a white design for the windows.  They feel like a cool breeze must be blowing in.  A white matelassé coverlet for the bedspread and plenty of white pillows make me feel like I could throw myself upon the bed like a fairy tale princess.  Immediately I knew the room was going to meet my expectations because of the joy the colors make me feel.

The adjoining bathroom has blue tile so I started looking for art décor that would flow nicely with that in mind.   I found almost all of the items in one location which made it easy to keep the colors in the same family.  The first piece I looked for would go over the bed which for me is hardest to decide on.  I wanted something not too large but that would fit the space.  A dream wall art with metal birds in teal fits perfectly above the bed hubs built.  (Isn’t it pretty?  He’s quite talented in the wood shop.) 
 dresser and chair
With the art over the bed selected I set my color accents in the teal family.  It works as a good transition to the very blue bathroom.  With that dream art in my shopping basket I moved through the large store finding complimentary items for the room.  Over the low dresser I have a mirror and some cool metal wings floating above an ornate shelf that supports romantic white candles.  A crystal blue butterfly (gift from hubs) leans against the candles and an unexpected tiny hippo my daughter brought back from Africa peeks out on the other side.  He doesn’t really match but it is special to me and isn’t that important when decorating?  The vase with large magnolia blossoms mimic the painting filling the space next to the tall dresser across the room.
 wings and candles on wall
See that teal clock on top of the dresser?  I’d been eyeing it for ages and eagerly added it to my basket!  Being retired we don’t care much about time but the clock is so neat and adds some texture to that side of the room.  I also picked up a cute wood frame with a clip inside that will allow me to easily change the picture that sits on one of the bedside tables.  For now it holds a postcard photo of an architectural piece that looks like a monogram of our last name.  montage of accent pieces
The bedside tables were up-cycled from an old dresser hubs cut apart.  I painted them a dark espresso in a previous project.  Hubs and I located the lamps on a shopping trip while we were celebrating our anniversary.  He helped me decide between several silver/nickel bases.  We both liked the glass ball in the middle.  Then we selected white shades with a slight curve.  I think they are perfect, don’t you?

The last thing I added was a teal pillow to the bed to bring the colors down and break up the white.  You can also see the dark grey sheets peeking out where I fold them down when I make the bed every morning.  Yes, I make my bed every morning.  It makes me feel peaceful and proud of the finished room and I never dread walking in there.
bed pillows wall art
The best compliment I’ve received so far came from hubs.  He walked in after it was all done and gazed around saying, “Nice, I like it.”  He’s a man of few words so it meant a lot to me.  It sure is an improvement from the heavy drapes and aged yellow that covered everything from walls to wood trim to carpet.  What do you think?
bedroom before photo
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If you have any questions about where I purchased any of the items, I’ll be happy to answer in comments.
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