
Stress free spring cleaning

Make it easy and make it fun.
Would you like to know how to spring clean with no stress?  Take a slow walk through your home.  Look for those spots that you would like to see junk disappear.  A catch all bowl by the door? A junk drawer?  Side table in front of the TV? Closet shelf?  Top of the fridge?  Inside your purse?  The medicine cabinet? 
Here's how I am getting rid of my junk one tiny step at a time:

  • I dedicated myself to spend 15-30 minutes each day for 10 days to purge and reduce the junk.  If you choose a big area, break it into small sections you can tackle in under 30 minutes over several days.  That's how I handled my closet which I worked on first because it was the area that had really gotten out of control!
  • I put a donation box in an out of the way spot.
  • I knew I wanted to add some storage containers to my closet, so I picked them up at Target the end of the first challenge day.
  • I purged the un-needed items to the donation box, tossed the trash,  put the keeper things where they belonged and finished off with a nice dusting.
Keeping It Clean Cheat Sheet
Cleaning the closet
Cleaning the fridge
and for hundreds of tips,  DIY solutions, cleaning recipes
check my Pinterest Helpful Hints board

Do you have a tip that I need to know?  Please share in comments.