
10 day De Cluttering Challenge

It's spring - time to open the windows, throw open the doors, and get rid of that winter clutter!  Join us in a Spring De-Junk Challenge.  You do not have to be overwhelmed with the thought, just take some quick steps each day for 10 days and do something - no matter how tiny - every day.  

The Challenge:

For the next 10 days (you can take Sunday off), do one thing every day to make some progress toward de-junking or spring cleaning your home.
  • Pick a spot in your home that you need to clean or de-junk.  (For some, this may be one drawer.  For others, it might be the entire garage.  Do what works for you.  Baby steps, right?
  • Take a before photo, and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #SpringDeJunkChallenge.
  • At the end of the day, take another photo and show everyone your progress.
  • No Instagram account?  No problem.  Use Facebook instead.
  • The purpose of taking pictures and posting them is to make the challenge more fun and to inspire other people to join us.  Everything's more fun with a friend, right?  If taking and posting pictures will keep you from completing the challenge -- skip it!
So, are you up for the challenge?  Follow your hosts on Instagram (links are in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway) to see how we're all completing the challenge and to get some ideas!

The Inspiration:

To add to the fun, this Friday, all 11 participating bloggers will share a special post about getting their home in shape for Spring.  Don't forget to check back on Friday to get some inspiration for your own home.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Good luck with the challenge! Want to visit the bloggers sponsoring the series and see some of the great things on their blogs?  We all love new visitors, and we'd love to hear from you!

Heidi from One Creative Mommy
Carrie from Frugal Foodie Mama
Brenna from Life After Laundry
Linda from Food Storage Moms
Kelly from Utah Dixie Deals
Jeannie from For What It's Worth
Katie from Clarks Condensed
Marilyn from 4 You with Love