
Instant happy #17

My last growing pain was… probably right after a piece of cake.  Yep, I'm sure I felt it in my left buttock.

I grow and nurture…

my garden because flowers make me happy and the exercise helps when I want cake.

The guilt-free snack I enjoy most…  A tree ripened peach and Ice tea in a tall glass while sitting in the garden.  I love the way the light shows through and sparkles on the ice cubes right before I take a long leisurely sip of tea then bite into a nice juicy peach.  

The best reason to stay up all night… is to finish the last chapters in a good book or no... maybe to giggle and share stories with my girls.

If I were stranded on a desert island, I’d…  If it's a desert, plant stuff.  Once established and deserted, organize the garden and paths with sitting areas to meditate in.  Then I'd make invitations on scraps of paper I salvaged from the beach or carve onto pebbles and send them out in bottles to be found on foreign beaches so other people could come enjoy the peace and tranquility of my deserted desert island.

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You may need some of this on the island...