
Blog like you love it

It's been almost 3 years since I began blogging.  When I began I had no clue what I was in for.  What started as a place to record my thoughts and ideas has turned into a place to share what I love doing.  There are some things that have taken me a long time to realize and it has recently occured to me that perhaps someone might stumble across my blog and read some things I wish I had learned sooner than later.  Below is a list of things I have found (in no particular order) that might speed your journey along a bit faster than my journey has been.  Take what you need, and please share what you have learned as well in the comments.  You never know who will read it and have an "ah HA" moment.  Read on...
Blogging tips

  • It may seem like a hobby, but pretend you're learning to make money too.
  • Keep a notebook of ideas and things you will blog about.
  • Start a place to keep the helpful information you come across (paste the link so you can get there again)  Pinterest boards, document on your computer, a page on your blog.
  • Keep blog photos together in a dedicated folder & flash drive.
  • Read up on SEO.  
  • Google it. If you don't know what something is or how to do it, Google it.
  • Sign up to monotenize right away.  It takes a long time to build an audience that will make you any real money and meantime you can collect a few cents.
  • Join social media groups, especially Facebook pages of like minded people.
  • Learn to use Social media alongside your blog. (Twitter, G+, Instagram, etc.)
  • Be prepared to spend several hours a week building followers.
  • Read and leave meaningful comments on blogs you enjoy.
  • Research and practice great photography.
  • Bright, clear photos are better for blogs. Use the tripod.
  • Technology changes...fast and often.  Relax, breath and go with the flow.
  • Turn off Captcha. (those letters and numbers you have to type in to comment)
  • Make a dedicated Pinterest Board to my blog posts.
  • Don't be afraid (or too shy) to promote my own blog.
  • Remember why you started it in the first place and have fun.
  • Blog like you love it.
I collect and save blog tips here and on my Pinterest board here.