
Zoo day

The weather was amazing yesterday and today. And because our local weatherman warned us to enjoy it while we could because tomorrow won’t be so nice, I switched the Spring Break plan around.  We headed to the zoo today.  Traffic can be a bit of a nightmare around here so we hopped on the train for the hour and 1/2.  First issue of the day…it’s spring break…every family in the area decided to take the train someplace fun today so we stood the whole ride.  When we reached the zoo there was good news
, our train tickets afforded us a discount entry.  Yeah!

We went for the children zoo area first.  It was claustrophobic with so many kids but we did enjoy watching the fish through a side window in a tank.  Next we saw sleeping tigers before the reptile house.  Great grand LOVES snakes.  After a long viewing of snakes we paraded by the monkey cages and got to watch a sweet koala close up.  koala
When we realized how late it was we spent a fortune in a food court because great grand refused to eat any of the great snacks I so proudly packed… lol… grandad wanted something more substantial too.  I have to admit the bigger lunch was good and energized us for the rest of the visit.  I needed it, my old knees and hip joints tired out pretty fast.  Keeping up with an energetic 4 year old is hard work!
We made our way through the tunnel under a highway where it was nice and cool and emerged in the Africa section where great grand enjoyed the life like statues.  It was getting kind of hot so several exhibits appeared to be empty.  I guess the animals had taken refuge in the shadows.  That was a bit disappointing, but we  managed to find the elephants and giraffes so all was well.  They were feeding a young giraffe my favorite salad greens, romaine.  Good thing we were full up on that yummy food court lunch.  Great Grand was given out around this time and voluntarily climbed aboard his stroller.  He announced he was ready to go, so we headed to the train.  It was a pretty long walk and we were all pretty exhausted. 

We at least got to sit down on the train ride home and enjoy the views.