Jeannie is a blogger, cook, crafter, home decorater, DIY Home Renovator, and person in awe of the child developmental mind that loves sharing what she learns and discovers with others.
Rain washes everything clean
Rain has been scarce in Texas so the heavy rain storm that moved through North Texas yesterday was a welcome thing. It began as cool air then gray clouds covered the sky. We watched the news off and on because spring rain can also mean severe spring weather, including tornadoes. It started to sprinkle as we were going inside Bonkers to a birthday party for great grand. When we came out a couple of hours later it was raining steady but slow. Hubs and I commented on how nice it was. Before long it was a heavy rain and some strong winds that shut down our satellite TV service. I didn't mind though because I had been sitting facing the expanse of windows enjoying the beauty of the cleansing rain falling on the dry brown grass. This will help fill some of those dry lakes not far from here.
Then the rain was over and the clouds lightened to reveal a brilliant rainbow that lit up the sky. It was spectacular. I didn't take time to get my DSLR but quickly took a photo with my phone. It doesn't do it justice, but it makes my heart swell with gratitude even as the darkness grew nearer. There looked to be a protective bubble forming over the city.