Jeannie is a blogger, cook, crafter, home decorater, DIY Home Renovator, and person in awe of the child developmental mind that loves sharing what she learns and discovers with others.
How to back up your (updated blogger) blog. And why you should NOW.
I had a small panic attack a few days ago when I tried to log in to my blog and it was "Disabled due to unusual activity". What? What unusual activity? I never did figure that part out. Going through some chat forums, I finally did something...heck if I really know what...that caused a confirmation email to appear from Blogger. Then it was back. I was on the way to heart sick that all those moments of my life recorded in cyberland could be lost. I would survive, but would still have been very sad.
Today, Funky Junk Interiors posted this article. How to back up your (updated blogger) blog. And why you should NOW. I immediately followed the easy instructions to back up my blog. Now I have pinned the instructions to my Pinterest Blog Hint Board and saved to my Blog Hint Tab. Tomorrow, a trip to the store and I will back up the blog to a mobile pin drive.
Have you taken steps to save your blog?