
A Grand Art Show

hummingbird color pencil drawing
Phase one:  Create.
On a series of cold and windy winter break days I kept the little grands.  The five year old is quite imaginative.  I was sent on little missions outside to find perfect rocks and sticks.  There was a constant need for clean water to rinse brushes and expert transformation of paper bags to suitable table covers and note cards.  There was also a great need for plenty of paper towels when baby grand (the 2 year old) washed his rocks more often than painting them.
Gallery invitationinvite inside
Phase two: Ask friends and relatives to participate.
After several hours of these activities little grand handed me a hand written invitation on a folded piece of brown paper bag. The front reads “ Party at MeMaw’s. Open. (translated…because she has only completed a semester of kindergarten) The illustrated inside reads, “Free cookies, games, pet horses.” At this point, if you don’t already have cookies on hand… make some. Conveniently for me her mom had sent some tiny sugar cookies along with many bottles of sprinkles. We took a break from the art world and entered the kitchen and cookie decorating world. That was loads of fun and entertainment for both her and the baby grand who enjoyed tasting them more than decorating. Oh, yes, I also sent a text message with attached photo’s of the invitation to the Aunts & Uncles so they could plan to drop by the Gallery tomorrow.
kid art gallery
Phase three:  Set up a display.
We rearranged the dining room a bit and began taping up the art.  It is all in a row about eye level to a 5 year old around the walls.  On the window ledges are the painted rocks.  On the dining table is a plate of sugary cookies and napkins.  Little grand greeted the guests as they arrived at the door and took them on a tour.  She explained the idea and subject of each piece before inviting them to take a cookie.  It was really quite sweet.  I am looking forward to a trip to art gallery during the school Spring Break.  We will dress up in our Sunday best and go for lunch in a very “grown up” place.
bird eggsportraitillustrated storyRock artIMAG0283

Thank you for attending our Art Show.
genie sig smoke