
Texas backroads

I spent the holiday with my siblings & our families in our mom's country home. After most have gone the man grand & I traveled the back roads from one side of the county to the other.  It's amazing how it changes.  We saw a huge buck cross the road and tried to get close enough to snap a photo, but he wouldn't have it and fled through the trees and brush.  We settled for some ghostly photo's of what is left of what once was a thriving town and some pretty desolate Texas back roads

Turbines catching the wind and producing  power.

Tumbleweeds powered by wind too!

An old fashioned wind mill powered by wind bringing precious water to the surface.

One of the two building left in Medicine Mounds.  There's a sign in the window that says,
"Where have all the people gone?"

Near the Pease River and Copper Breaks State Park in Hardeman County.

Party link ups here.