
Kitchens are where the holidays begin.

Decorate your kitchen for the Christmas holidaySome of my best holiday memories involve the kitchens of my mother, and grandmothers.  I love the smells that cause me to stop, close my eyes, and spend a moment remembering those days.  To make sure my kids and grands will have moments like that when I'm gone, I start with giving the kitchen a look and feel that says "Nini's kitchen".  Use herbs to create wreaths or add to an existing wreath for an aroma that lingers all season.  You can see a photo tutorial on how to make a Rosemary wreath here.  Putting out some eye candy certainly lends to the air.  Use what you have, add ribbons, herbs, cookie cutters, ornaments to make magic. 

Cookies...who doesn't associate them with Christmas!
Fresh Rosemary Wreath
Rosemary wreaths smell wonderful.

I love this collector piece depicting
my favorite Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street.
Miss matched stemware
and coordinating ribbon pulls the candles together.

Balance colors across shelving.

Rope lights above cabinets create great mood. I did it myself!
I hope your holidays are filled with wonder!