
Moon shots

It's been quite some time since I've been "parking".  Ha!  Hubs & I drove out of the city to a small community with a whole lot less artificial lighting to have dinner and then watch this historic moon rise.  It is suppose to be closer to the earth than it has been in like 200 years.  We found a country road, parked the vehicle and after watching a nice orange glowing sunset, watched a nice orange moon rise!  That was cool.  I was a little disappointed that it didn't appear larger, but really did enjoy the time we spent together reminiscing and giggling that we went parking after 42 years of marriage!
We ate a good dinner at this little diner before moon watching.

There it is, the moon!

Back in the city, still pretty.
As it got higher in the sky, the moisture and thin cloud cover gave it some eerie halo's
Last look through the trees in my back yard.  Looks a little like an eyeball.