
Fun Cinco de Mayo

Our faculty luncheon this month centered the decoration theme around Cinco de Mayo which isn't typically a big celebration in Mexico, but in the US, especially Texas, it is.  There are celebrations, parades and cultural exhibits honoring the Mexican heritage.

There is a very talented lady at the campus where I work.  Brenda is our librarian and her talents at decorating are phenomenal!  I felt a wave of happiness and full expectations of a fun day when I walked into our lunch rooms.  Here are some photo's I took of her amazing decorations.
I love the fun twig trees spray painted white with color lights and tissue flowers.

She pleated large fan shaped flowers on the wall
The center vase is filled with pinto beans the two on either side are wrapped with color yarn

The burlap runner is died hot pink

My contribution.
Purchased cookies with purchased icing piped around the edges & dipped in sprinkles.
The sombrero hat crowns are gum drops attached with more icing.
These colorful paper stars are a craft Brenda is going to show me later.
Click here for step by step directions & pictures.
Bulletin board paper strips pleated, folded in half and stapled together