
Where’d You Go Bernadette book review and a Pink Penguin

I’d finished all the paper backs in my stash and was looking for a quick e-read until my next book arrived from Amazon. I had a list on Goodreads and liked the bright cartoonish cover on Where’d You Go Bernadette plus it has a good rating and isn’t a long book. Written from the viewpoint of a teenager looking for her mother, author Maria Sample’s writing style and words captured my interest on the first page and kept it.  Bonus: Sample was a TV fiction writer for Arrested Development, Mad About You and Ellen.

If you’re like me, and I bet many of you are, you’ve had moments in your life you just wanted to escape from the world.  The daily obligations, kids, significant other, job, nosy neighbors or shopping at the local Wal-Mart can push you into hiding out.  Yes, I bet you’ve even fantasized about getting in your car and driving away into a sunset or to a remote mountain cabin. Heck I even romanticized sleeping on the beach in a tent.  Unfortunately for most of us it just isn’t realistic and sooner than later we make our way back from our mystical dreams and carry on with life.  Bernadette doesn’t.   

In the hilarious account of all the events leading up to and following her disappearance I laughed and guffawed out loud more than once.  The story is a fiction novel but I really wanted to believe something like it could happen.  Would I recommend it? Absolutely. The language is clean with only a reference to an affair and a few mentions of alcohol consumption. Prop your feet up with a Pink Penguin and get started because I bet it keeps you entertained just as much as me.

Oh, a Pink Penguin is a clue as to what happened to Bernadette but no spoilers here, you’ll have to read the book to find out how.  Meanwhile try this virgin Pink Penguin or add something more if you like.

Pink Penguin Drink
3/4 cup Sparkling White Wine
Enough Pomegranite juice (POM) to make it pink

Stir the ingredients together and add ice.  If alcohol is your thing, I've read that an ounce of Ca chara is an alcohol you might find from South America that might be available if you take a cruise to Antarctica.  Woops, another hint dropped.

1 oz Ca chara or Vodka or Gin
juice of 1/2 a lime
simple syrup to taste
enough POM to make it pink
Stir or shake and pour over ice.