
Lavender Cookies

My lavender is blooming! I had dreamed of growing lavender that I could harvest for years so when hubs and I retired to a rural town in NW Texas I started my first plants.  I was very excited and made my first batch of home grown lavender cookies.  The cookies are lightly sweetened and have a soft lavender fragrance perfect for a special party or a private moment with hot tea. (Recipe below)

Lavender cookies came into my life after a fellow blogger sent some of her harvest to me through the mail.  With a little bag of lavender she sent me her shortbread recipe and broadened my idea of what could be done with lavender.  Since that wonderful delivery I've adapted my favorite cut out cookie recipe and planted several lavender plants of my own.  I've even made lavender sugar that can be spooned into my tea for a special drink, tied sweet bundles as gifts and package toppers and made lavender potpourri. 

The cookies are a favorite of mine so when I saw the buds and subsequently the blooms appearing on my plants this week I started getting excited again.  Coincidentally a good friend with whom I've shared my cookies asked if I'd share my recipe with her for our local newspaper.  So here I am happily writing it down to share again.  I hope you are tempted enough to find a supply source or plant your own and make cookies too.

My lavender plants bloomed the first year I planted them and though it was a small harvest I was able to make several batches of cookies.  A little goes a long way.  I cut the long stems and tied them together with twine then let them dry by hanging them upside down inside a paper grocery bag. A couple weeks later a gentle shake and the blooms fall off.  They are easily stored in a mason jar with a lid.  I have also put a couple tablespoons in a cup of sugar that is really nice to add to hot tea.  FYI, you don't have to dry the lavender for cooking, I've used fresh blooms and they make a pretty cookie.  Just pinch the blooms off.

The recipe I adapted for cookies is perfect for rolling out and cutting into shapes.  They hold their shape, are soft and not too sweet to overpower the gentle flavor and scent.  And - oh my - they smell so good while in the oven.

Start by taking the butter (real butter is worth it) out and allowing it to soften to room temperature.  Drop the butter into a mixing bowl and beat in the sugar, baking powder and a pinch of salt till soft and creamy.   Keep the mixer going and add in the egg, milk and vanilla.  Slow down the mixer and add a tablespoon of lavender blooms then start adding the flour until it is all incorporated.  The dough shouldn't be too sticky, if it is add a tablespoon of flour. 

*bonus hint: You can make the dough several days before you need it by wrapping it in plastic wrap and storing in the fridge.

When you're ready to make the cookies roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface about 1/4" thick.  Cut out in desired shapes and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. 

Bake 7 or 8 minutes until edges are firm and bottoms are a very light brown.  The tops will still have a whitish appearance with specks of the lavender showing.  They will be soft but not doughy.  

Lavender Cut Out Cookie Recipe

by Jeannie
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes

Ingredients (18-24 cookies)
  • 2/3 cup butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1-2 tablespoons dried lavender blooms
Beat softened butter till creamy (about a minute).
Beat in sugar, baking powder.
Add egg, milk, vanilla.
Gradually beat in flour.
On lightly floured surface roll out dough to 1/8-1/4 inch thickness. Cut dough into desired shapes. Place on ungreased cookie sheet or use parchment paper.
Bake in pre heated 350 degree oven 7-8 minutes.
Edges and bottoms will be very light brown.
Cool on wire racks.
Store tightly covered.
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