
Build a Hobbit House and clean up will all® POWERCORE™Pacs OXI

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Clean2TheCore #CollectiveBias
The grands are spending several days a week with me and we’re getting pretty creative with our play. This week the grands and I talked about recycling projects and how Hobbit houses are usually covered with dirt and sod making them cool in the summer and warmer in the winter  and earth friendly.  We also discussed how we could find things to recycle and build one for our garden. We decided to recycle an all® POWERCORE™ Pacs OXI container to build a little Hobbit House because the container makes a perfect house base and the lid on it makes a perfect Hobbit door! I’ve included a full tutorial with photos to show you how we made it. 
 Lets build a hobbit house

First we searched the Internet for Hobbit House photos and found a lot of designs to inspire us.  They are truly amazing little houses.  Most have round doors that lead to an underground dwelling.  Many are covered with sod roofs that grow moss, grass and other small plants.  We loved the ones with a crooked stove pipe and stone walls on front.  Once we had a pretty good idea how we wanted ours to look we set out to gather materials.  Our scavenger list looked like this:

  • bucket (for collecting dirt)
  • container of water
  • pebbles (for decorating the front)
  • sticks
  • grass
  • shovel
  • miniature animals, decorations
  • all® POWERCORE™ Pacs OXI container
We chose a site under some large Lilac bushes to build.  It looked like a spot Hobbit dwellers might want to live. Next we raked away the growth where we wanted our Hobbit House and placed the container in a shallow hole with the big round lid facing out. 


Now we set to work turning a bucket of dirt into mud by adding water until it was mud pie consistency.  That was a lot of fun!  When it was ready we shoveled it all over the container but left the round lid exposed.  Hobbit houses have big round doors and the lid to our container looks like a perfect one.


When we were satisfied with the mud on our house we got down to decorating it.  Some dried grasses and some craft moss I had on hand was pushed securely over the roof area of the house.


Across the front we pressed small pebbles into the wall.  It really looked like a Hobbit house at that point.  We added a little fence and a stone path.  It really turned out pretty cute, don’t you think? 


Hobbits are imaginary creatures who inhabit the lands of Middle earth and first appeared in the novel The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.  They are tiny creatures about three feet tall resembling humans that live in underground dwellings.  They are good natured and have hairy feet.  Our Hobbit house is much smaller, so we are expecting very tiny Hobbits.

When we were done making our Hobbit house there was more mud and some body painting happening under the hammock. The boys must have figured Hobbits like mud because they live underground.



Even though it was a muddy mess I wasn’t concerned because I have a product with superior cleaning and brightening/whitening power.  The all® POWERCORE™ Pacs OXI powerful cleaning ability fights tough kid stains like mud and grass.  There is also a variety called all® POWERCORE™ Pacs Plus Removes Tough Odors that attacks and removes tough odors with long lasting scent.  That might come in extra handy if you have pets.

I used the first ever powder-liquid combination pac and followed the directions on the packaging to get their clothing clean, white and bright. 

drop in all laundry core

Here’s a picture to help you find it in the laundry detergent isle in Walmart.  

all basket