1st weekend in September – Quanah Dove Fest: Hunters gather on the square around 6:00 PM bringing dove to be cooked and shared with the public or you can purchase a brisket meal for a low price of $5.00. This year there is fish provided from a weekend kid fishing event at the Copper Breaks State Park. Music by talented area groups is free too.
2nd weekend in September – Quanah Fall Festival: Educational displays, authors ‑ booking signing, art displays, museum tours, children games, guessing contest, branding board (the only times you can display your brand), food. Quanah High School reunion is held in conjunction with the Fall Festival.
3rd weekend in September – Copper Breaks Dutch Oven Cooking Demo: Register to participate or mingle and taste while Larry Hannon leads instruction about equipment needed, building coals to cook on, recipes, how to bake in a Dutch oven, and some growing up stories about living and working on a ranch.
4th weekend- Copper Breaks State Park Texas Parks and Wildlife: Star Walk at dark. Bring your lawn chairs, view the skies through powerful telescopes, and hear speakers talk about what’s up there.
*Super Moon- September 26
*Fall Constellation,the season conclusion,- October 17, 2015
*Fall Constellation,the season conclusion,- October 17, 2015
Park events are free with regular admission- $2.00
For further information please contact 940-839-4331
September 25 through October 18 in Dallas' Fair Park.
For further information please contact 940-839-4331
16 and17th- Vernon Texas Best Shindig: BBQ cook off, fun and serious competition for bragging rights on the best Chicken, Ribs, Brisket and Beans in Texas, an Antique Tractor Show, followed by a Saturday night concert.
![Wild hog cookoff November 14 Crowell TX wild hog cook off event poster November 13-14](https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/s960x960/11243722_1256583891034492_6381553285209569030_o.jpg)
Please share events in comments, I might want to make a road trip!