
What book is on your nightstand?

It's too hot to do much outside which is where I'd like to be but sitting next to the large windows in our living room I can look out at the blue skies dotted with cotton ball clouds and the whirly jig in the garden that is suppose to deter veggie hungry critters turning in big gusts of hot wind.  The grass is fading from bright green to thirsty brown the way it always does this time of year in our plains area.  I also see a wasp flitting about on the covered porch looking for a new spot to build it's nest.  On the table by my chair lies the latest Jodi Picoult novel I'm reading, Leaving Time.  I only recently discovered this author and am anxious to read all her books.  My reading style has always been that of a skimmer, but not for her.  I find myself re reading descriptions and conversations that in most books I barely acknowledge.  The references to real places I'm slightly familiar with in a fictitious setting catch my attention.  I have to be mindful of the time or I will lose myself and dust will pile up on the furniture while the family scrounges for left overs in the fridge.
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The July Bound by Books link up party is ready and waiting for your submissions.  I'd love to see some crafty book page ideas, table vignettes with a book or two incorporated, a recipe book I must add to my collection or your review of a book or author you love.