This week's features includes a lemon cook book from I may just have to order from Amazon and a list of children's books I know many moms will find helpful too. Grab your feature button!
Jeannie is a blogger, cook, crafter, home decorater, DIY Home Renovator, and person in awe of the child developmental mind that loves sharing what she learns and discovers with others.
Bound by Books #4
My summer reading is not keeping up with my ever growing summer reading list! Last week I read The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult between making plum jelly and wild plum coffee cake. It was really good and I think I have a new favorite author. I'm sure I'll have all the library books by her checked out before school starts again. I have linked it to this week's book linky below the features from last week. I started a book my daughter brought me this week and hope to finish it while taking the grands to surrounding parks. Living is a rural town has us adventuring farther and farther away and finding some really nice city parks. In Childress, TX the park has a really nice lake with friendly ducks and geese the kids liked feeding. One in particular was almost acrobatic jumping to catch bread from Girl Grand.
This week's features includes a lemon cook book from I may just have to order from Amazon and a list of children's books I know many moms will find helpful too. Grab your feature button!
This week's features includes a lemon cook book from I may just have to order from Amazon and a list of children's books I know many moms will find helpful too. Grab your feature button!