
DIY Moving and plan

The house sold in two days and the packing is almost done.  We decided to use U-Haul and truck it ourselves.  We hired a couple of packers to load the truck through U-Haul to make it easier.  When we get to our destination our son and some other firefighters will be there to unload.  I’m looking forward to that because I promised to provide hot dogs, beer and home made ice cream.  It will be our first party at the new home.
 DIY moving checklist

I ran into the first weird snag trying to get the official address for our new home from the post office.  Because the house has not been occupied for 13 years and the address system was revamped during that time, it doesn’t exist.  It was kind of funny, but weird.  I had to contact Nortex Regional Planning Commerce to re-establish the address for 911 emergency purposes then call the post office and tell them what the address is.  Now we just need to put up a mailbox.  Any of you have ideas for a creative mailbox, leave me a message, okay?
The second weird snag came in getting the gas utilities connected.  Several years ago the neighboring house had a grass fire that damaged the gas meter, so it was capped off and removed from service.  That took some calling around and scheduling to get a new meter installed so we can have hot water when we get there.  I haven’t mentioned that the town we’re moving to is kind of remote and most of these services come from 90+ miles away.  All this sounds foreboding, but we feel like the house is well worth it and I’m anxious to get started renovating it. 
My moving “TO DO LIST”
  • Schedule moving truck & movers- have supplies as needed
  • Address changes
  • Change house insurance
  • Turn off utilities at old address (electricity, water, garbage service)
  • Turn on utilities at new address
  • Discontinue TV, internet, phone service at old address
  • Set up TV, internet, phone at new address
  • Schedule pest control at new address
  • Schedule carpet cleaning at new address
  • Put up mailbox