
Birds in the park

When you've lived in a house as long as we have it's quite an ordeal to move.  The house went on the market Wednesday night which meant we had to spend the evening of Wednesday and most of the day Thursday and Friday away.  Hubs has a dog so our destinations were the parks around the suburban city we now reside in.  Friday afternoon was particularly pleasant beside a small pond inhabited by some lovely birds.  There were families that came and went after their kids fed the ducks and played on the playground.  Later there were teenage lovers that sat on the benches and sometimes cast a fishing line.  Hubs and I read our books and I took some photos.

This guy seemed to be in charge.


The baby ducks were precious.


I just love the color and majesty of the Mallards.


This Egret is not alone, to you see the Herring?


There he is!
