
How to have a fresh bum

Many thanks to Cottonelle for sponsoring today's story, and keeping our bottoms clean!
Cleansing wipes, clean care wipes, Cottonelle
Having the grand kids around is something I really enjoy and this week I have the great grand.  Every day is entertaining and often a life lesson.  Today great grand is helping me with some cleaning chores in the bathroom.  We rolled some fresh towels and placed them prettily on a shelf then used a cleaning spray on the counter, toilet and mirror.  He especially enjoyed
the spraying while I wiped down the high areas.  I was replenishing the toilet tissue when I realized it was the last roll.  Great grand very seriously informed me I was also out of wet wipes and he really needs them to have a clean bum.  Talking about bums can be awkward and uncomfortable but then I realized how awkward things can get when you don’t talk about them – so I let him teach me the good habits we all need.  With wide eyes and a serious tone he explained how to use the wet wipe and if you buy the kind that can be flushed you can just drop in in here [pointing to toilet].  But that’s not the end…he said…you need to use the dry toilet paper to make your bum feel comfy dry in your undies.  Mom and Dad have taught him well haven’t they?  We decided to walk 5 blocks to CVS and buy the new Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloths and Cottonelle Clean Care Toilet Paper for the bathroom so he will have the best supplies available the duration of his visit.

It is a great day for a walk even though it’s a bit breezy.  Great grand pressed the crosswalk buttons and taught me to walk VERY quickly before the safe walk light turns red.   He climbed in a cute little car shopping basket and we found the blue labeled Cottonelle Cleansing Cloths and Cottonelle Clean Care Toilet Paper easily before making our way down by the toys…yes I’m that kind of grandmother.  I used my coupon and we headed back home.

He’s such a cute shopper and quite the helper too.
When we got back home great grand helped me unwrap the upright decorative container and shooed me out of the bathroom so he could use them.  I have to admit, I like the fresh feel of using this product too, therefore I’ll make another visit to CVS for our master bathroom.  The dispenser looks quite nice in the décor too.
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