
Instant Happy #16

WEEK 16 :
My favorite makeup item is ... the one that hasn't been invented yet.  You know the one, it makes you look like a totally hot 20 year old girl when you know you are a totally wrinkled old grandmother.  No surgery needed.

The best book I’ve ever read was
the Bible because …if God is reading my blog I want Him to know it is a good book and I read it.  I'm carrying it to Heaven with me so I can get His autograph. 

My favorite TV show is …Once Upon A Time because I imagine myself as a Fairy Grandmother that could live there. (not Godmother, they have more responsibility to be serious) I could wear a tiara, carry a magic wand and glide through the air like there was no such thing as arthritis. 

The most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done is … trying to stop my car from rolling down a steep hill toward a lake while wearing high heels.  It is not a pretty picture to see a half crazed woman hanging halfway in the drivers side window.

I prefer DOGS/CATS because … neither.  Cats rub against your legs and dogs leave "presents" in the yard.  Hubs has a dog he protects from my scowling looks when I weave my way out to garden.

I met my significant other … the first week of my freshman year in high school while standing in front of the Home Ec building scoping out the Senior boys as they paraded past flexing their manly muscles and holding their stomachs flat.  I didn't know he was going to insist of owning a dog.