
Diet friendly quick Bolillios pizza

It’s time to take a little break from the morning gardening and have some lunch.  I’m throwing together a quick 15 minute meal from my “short cut cooking” menus that is diabetic friendly, low calorie, and economical too.  I ate one Bolilillios pizza with a Romaine salad +raspberry vinaigrette dressing for under 200 calories, 22 carbs, and under $1.25 a serving-including the salad.  How great is that!  I bet my grands would would like this for an after school snack.

Short cut Bolillios pizza
  • Wheat Bolillios buns (bought mine in the Wal-Mart bakery, 6 for $1.68)
  • Turkey Pepperoni (less than 7 calories  each slice, yes I munched on a couple extra slices)
  • Pizza Sauce in a jar (I bought Ragu, less than 30 calories/5 g total carbs)
  • Mozzarella (40-80 calories depending on how generous you are)
    • Turn on the oven 400° F. 
    • Slice Bolillios bread (or any other hearty wheat bun) in half lengthwise.
    • On each slice of bread spread about 3 heaping teaspoons of prepared pizza sauce.
    • Layer on some Mozzarella cheese.
    • Top with 4 or more turkey pepperoni slices
    • Bake for about 10-15 minutes, until cheese is melted.
Bilillio is a crusty oval shaped bread that is a staple in Mexico.  This little pizza was totally satisfying for my hunger and taste buds.  I think the best part is that even my doctor will approve.  Smile