
A look inside myself

Do you do an annual Doctor visit?  Today was my turn and I enjoyed how talkative my Dr. was.  I started off telling him that I had put him on my New Year Resolution list and am proud to announce I completed it all.  He said that’s the first time he knew of that he was on someone’s resolution list!  He bugs me every year (since a couple of surgeries) to get a Colonoscopy screening.  As soon as I verified my insurance covers it, I got it done.  I also took care of the Mammogram, which I do faithfully because of my family history and am controlling my sugar count with an improved diet. 

Colonoscopies are one of those things that sounds awful, but in actuality is the easiest screening ever.  Much easier than the Mammogram (you ladies know what I’m talking about!)  Anyway, back to the Colonoscopy, I scheduled with a referred specialist that my primary doctor uses in nearby suburban Carrollton.  The service at Trinity Medical Center was outstanding.  They were on schedule with appointment times, so no wait.  I barely had time for a potty break before a nurse escorted me to the patient room where I changed into one of those glamorous hospital gowns and was wheeled into the procedure room.  A very skilled nurse inserted the IV needle on the first try and told me a couple of funny stories before the specialist appeared.
Before I could count to 5…4…3……… I was waking from a pleasant rest and it was over.  No discomfort, no embarrassment, nothing.  Now I don’t have to make any excuses to my primary Dr. for another 10 years.
Back to my chatty Doctor… We visited quite awhile about what I do now that I’ve retired.  At first I talked about gardening, grandkids and cooking until I shyly mentioned that I also blog.  I know that many bloggers are like me in that I am unsure how it will be received when I say I blog.  Surprisingly he was very interested and asked quite a lot of questions about my niche, my blog name, and how much I do it.  He innocently asked me if I like to cook (because I blog about recipes a lot) and he laughed out loud when I said; “No, not really.”  
I know, you’re thinking right now…what?  why do you blog about cooking then?  Because, as I explained to him… I don’t really like to cook or clean up afterwards, but I am in LOVE with eating. [another laugh out loud moment] I also like knowing what is in my food and gain a little satisfaction from a job well done.  There you have it.  I am a selfish cook that desires to find short cuts to cooking delicious food not filled with too many calories or sugars and even less of those ingredients you see on labels that look like a foreign language and don’t mean a thing to me.
The blogging part, I love too.  It fulfills my desire to share what I learn and know works.  Now, tell me what your secrets are.