Jeannie is a blogger, cook, crafter, home decorater, DIY Home Renovator, and person in awe of the child developmental mind that loves sharing what she learns and discovers with others.
Valentine thoughts
Finish This #6
1. I celebrate Valentine’s Day by... eating chocolate, duh. Well, maybe I do other stuff too, like make hubs his favorite Pecan Pie, call my children and grandchildren, send valentine cards to lots of people. This year
I used my Christmas list to send valentines because I only sent out a few Christmas cards and didn't get around to sending my usual New Year's letters.
2. My heart goes pitter-patter for... sweet notes, kind words, and phone call and especially when I realize they really do notice what I do.
3. When looking for romance, my best advice is... think beyond today.
4. My favorite love story (real or fiction) is... the movie, Message in a Bottle.
5. The best relationship/love/dating advice I ever received was... from my dad. He said when you make this choice, it IS forever; in you head, your heart and your history.