
Nine Layer Dip in a jar

Turn on the TV for some manly sports and serve this SUPER easy, almost homemade and delicious dip in a jar.  The thing about party dip is the appeal quickly disappears as soon as a couple of servings are taken out of the beautiful presentation and the left overs aren’t so appetizing either.  That is one reason to make individual servings in a jar.  Some other great reasons are portion control, less mess, ease, you can be sure everyone gets some and extra’s are easy to send home with guests. This is also a technique
Nine layer dip in a jar
I am finding works splendidly when cooking for two.  I purchased some short/squatty 1/2 pint Ball jars to present a layered dip that were not only pretty but fun. 
Layer the ingredients (all or just the ones you like) in a small jar and serve with chips:
  • Refried beans
  • Cheese dip (in a jar from the chip isle) 
  • Guacamole or diced avocados
  • Sour cream (mix in some taco seasoning)
  • Salsa
  • Chopped black olives
  • Green onion top slices
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Grated cheese
Don’t you just love it?  You could even set up a dip bar so that each guest builds their own choice of layers.  I purchased inexpensive small jars at Wal-Mart in the isle with cooking utensils and canning supplies and put about 2 tablespoons of each ingredient in each jar.