
I'd rather be mountain climbing

1. A typical day in my life … involves a lot of daydreaming, planning and a little doing.  Walter Mitty is my role model, wish I was still young enough to climb mountains.
2. You’ll never see me … on reality TV.  It's beyond me why people air bad behavior, stupidity and dirty laundry to the whole world.  
3. It’s really unattractive when a guy … smokes, chews tobacco or spits right in front of me. It’s really unattractive when a girl … shows her under garments.  I don't get the fashion of wearing and showing a black bra under a white spaghetti strap top.
4. If I could buy one thing right now, it would be … long rang camera lense... [daydreaming again - about wildlife phototgraphy and mountain tops].
5. I have high expectations for … people.  I expect people to be the best they can be.  Sometimes I'm dissapointed, but remember we learn from our own errors and hope for a higher bar next time.
Linking up with (Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {The Coastal Chicster}, and Becky {The Java Mama} Jen {The Arizona Russums}) for a weekly series called Finish This.