
Life secrets

garden inspiration life secrets

1. I use my “green thumb” to... garden in my suburban back yard.  I'm not an indoor gardener at all, but give me space, sunshine and rain and see what I can do!

2. The secret to life is... not worrying about what others think your life should be, just live it and live it well.  

3. I get my money’s worth by... buying what I need.  As I grow older I find buying things just because it's a good deal, doesn't make it a good deal.  If I don't need it or plan to use it soon, I don't buy it.

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, my level of organization is.. 8 because I am an organizing re-organizer.  The other two points in the scale I saved for more organizing.  P.S. organizing isn't the same as super neat.  It just means you know where "it" is and others will be able to figure out your logic and find "it". 

5. A gentleman always... respects others even if he doesn't agree.  He allows others to have their own views but retains his gracefully. And never forgets your birthday or anniversary. :)

6. Handwritten notes are... a wonderful surprise.  E-notes are nice too, but getting a hand written note is the nicest of all.  That reminds me, I think I will surprise someone today.

Linking up with (Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {The Coastal Chicster}, and Becky {The Java Mama} Jen {The Arizona Russums}) for a weekly series called Finish This.