
Prepare the fridge for the holiday

Today is a good day to prepare the refrigerator for all the food that will need storage Thursday.  It's cold and rainy outside, so turn on the radio and get started.

  1. Radio on, peppy music playing.
  2. Make the cleaning mixture in a 1 quart spray bottle. 
    1. 1 cup vinegar
    2. 2 Tablespoons lemon juice
    3. Top off the bottle with tap water.
    4. Gently shake or stir.
  3. Remove everything from the fridge.  
    1. Discard expired items
    2. Combine multiple containers of the same items.
    3. Use ice chest coolers to keep things cool or frozen while you work.
  4. Remove the racks and wash them down in the sink with the spray mixture.
  5. Remove the crisper drawers and clean them in the sink.
  6. Wipe down the walls and doors with the cleaning solution.
  7. Use a dry towel to give the interior a final wipe down.
  8. Organize items as you put them back in the fridge.
  9. Now the freezer compartment.  

Doesn't that feel better?  While cleaning out the freezer I grouped meats, vegetables, fruits, breads into baskets that snugly fit my freezer shelves.  I also made a list of the items I had forgotten were in there for next weeks menu.

Now, I think I'll bake some oatmeal cookies to empty that container and make more space.