
A little bit of Paradise

paradise sign
I love small towns, I grew up in one.  Now that I’m a city dweller I escape often back to small towns where friends or relatives live to experience “the life” through them and their small towns.  Now that it’s fall, there are Fall Festivals going on everywhere and I chose the tiny town of Paradise, Texas to visit this weekend. 
The day did start out looking a bit ominous with big black clouds and fat rain drops dropping on the windshield soon after I left the city.  Lucky for me and all the other festival goers a short downpour left the air cool and even more fall like than ever.
You gotta love a town small enough that they can close down main street and no one cares.  Cool, that’s all I can say.  I believe that despite the morning rain, the entire population of Paradise turned out for their day.  Numerous booths seemed to be either enjoying the visitations or selling a lot of stuff!  I tasted chili at the cook off and listened to some talented musicians including one of my cousins daughter & son in law. 
I saw a really unusual trailer house where a gentleman was showing off relic tools then I walked around the block to some absolutely adorable camper trailers.   
funky trailerThey were decked out so cute, I think even I might enjoy camping in one.
camper showcamperpumpkins rocker camplerspooky trailer
I made my way back toward my car, but not before checking out some awesome vehicles in the car show.  They looked cool with the fresh raindrops glistening on them. There was a red one that kept whispering my name… I’m sure it was.
antiuque car          car show
Right before I left I captured an awesome shot of a young man sending a girl in a dunking booth to a watery bath.  If he’s not the star pitcher on their baseball team…somebody needs to recruit him!
dunking booth
All in all, I had a really nice day and look forward to finding another small town festival to crash soon.