
Open face Lemon Caprice Sandwich

I am finding new ways for me to use basil, since I am growing it for the first time in a pot outside the back door.  The aroma when I brush my hands through it is pretty nice, but I knew it would be great on some recipes too.  Today I had a couple of deli rolls and wanted a really light tasting lunch.  This was a happy discovery for me.   

  • deli roll
  • rendered bacon grease or olive oil
  • fresh basil leaves
  • provolone cheese slice
  • fresh lemon, thin slice
  • tomato, sliced
  • salt & pepper to taste
First collect some basil leaves.  Wash and dry on paper towels.
I sliced a deli roll in half and rubbed it in some hot bacon grease from hubs breakfast.  I could have eaten it just like that!  Olive oil would be a second choice if I had not smelled the bacon cooking.
Then, layer on a deli slice of provolone cheese.
Place a basil leaf or two on the cheese.
Add a super thin slice of fresh lemon.  A mandolin slicer is great for this if you don’t have a steady hand and very sharp knife.
and some tomato slices (all I had was some cherry tomatoes…I thought for sure I had one Roma tomato but couldn’t find it). Drizzle just a little olive oil over the tomatoes and basil and cheese before broiling.
Broil the open face sandwiches in the oven for a few minutes till the bread is browned and the cheese melted. (Note to self, clean the oven today)DSC_0102
Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper, add a fresh green salad, a tall glass of lemon ice tea and “Hello summer!”

genie sig smoke