
PIN WIN Strawberry Cobbler

I was perusing Pinterest, as I often do, when I saw a recipe for strawberry cobbler at Menu Musings of a Modern American Mom: Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler.  I eat strawberries fresh, I eat strawberries on pancakes, I eat strawberries on short cake, but I have not eaten strawberries in a cobbler.  (sounds a little like Dr. Seuss, doesn't it?)  So I checked the fridge and all I needed was more strawberries.  A quick trip to the store and I had them.  They are luscious and red.  They will look pretty on the patriotic patio table I have set up and hubs loves to taste test for me.  Take a look at the jar lanterns hanging under the umbrella.  That is another Pin Win and you can see more HERE.  I cut the recipe down a little, since I cook for two and still had enough for 6 ramekins. Because the recipe is so simple, it will be very easy to cut it down even more.  I wish I had picked up some vanilla ice cream, maybe on the extras tomorrow...

Here is my decreased batter for 6 ramekins, but I really encourage you to check out the original site, she has gobs of other tempting recipes.

Wash, core, and remove stems off your strawberries.  I put 3 large strawberries in each serving.

Mix the batter:
  • 1 cup self rising flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup milk (I used 2%)
  • a few drops of vanilla
The rest of the cobbler ingredients:
  • 6 teaspoons butter
  • Strawberries (I had a pint)
  • 1/2 block of cream cheese
Melt a teaspoon of butter in the bottom of each ramekin (or a small canning jar)
Fill the ramekins about 1/3 full with batter.
Top the batter with 3 prepared large strawberries.
Top the strawberries with little dabs of cream cheese.  You don't need to cover them, just about a tablespoon to a ramekin.
Transfer the ramekins to a cookie sheet and place in the center of a preheated oven.
Bake 350 F for 45-55 minutes.  I left this batch in for an hour and it was a little over done.  I'm sure it's because I was cooking in ramekins and not a larger pan.  Duh, I knew better. 

What did I tell you...really simple!  Now, go put together some cobbler and then (while it's baking) go check out Julie's site.